We’re inching closer to our $5,000 goal for this summer!

If you’re able to donate, please help us!

OptOut is a nonprofit, which means we rely on the generosity of our community to keep us going. As a result, we can assure you our app and the aggregated and original reporting we provide is 100% free—to access, and from corporate influence.

Your funds directly support independent journalism and the people who work to make it easily accessible for all.

News media in the U.S. is suffering, but it doesn’t have to be this way. We can build something better!

Thank you for supporting this work!

Please join our mission to boost independent media, challenge the dominant corporate and legacy outlets, and move things forward towards a stronger democracy, a healthier planet, and a more equitable society.

Please consider donating $20, $100, $1,000, or whatever you can here!

The OptOut Media Foundation (EIN: 85-2348079) is a nonprofit charity with a mission to educate the public about current events and help sustain a diverse media ecosystem by promoting and assisting independent news outlets and, in doing so, advance democracy and social justice.

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