Hi all!

My name is Liana DeMasi, and I’m the LGBTQ+ Editor here at OptOut. I’ve also been involved with fundraising, curating our app and website, and social media, so really, I’m the wearer of many hats! But every one of us here at OptOut can say the same. We take the news seriously—a sort of all-hands-on deck, holistic approach. We’re invested in creating a better world, in helping you do the same. 

We’re working to raise $10,000 before the end of the year. Can you help us?

Our current work is a collaborative situation, and each of us plays a role, from the writer to the editor to the fact-checker to the app curator who carefully selects what is most pressing and important. And even—especially—the news consumer. 

Whether you’ve been here since our beginnings or you’re just starting out, you’re with OptOut because you understand the importance of diversifying your news. You know the world is composed of millions of microcosms, and having a handful of corporate news outlets speaking for all of them feels misguided at best and downright harmful at worst. 

There’s a world out there that sees and advocates for all of us, and I know that OptOut understands what role the news places in that world. As a queer, nonbinary journalist, writer, and professor, I have to believe a better world is out there, and I’m also compelled to play a role in its happening. 

Donate today to support this vision!

We need you to help continue our mission: to provide independent, diverse news to people without paywalls. If you’re here already, you trust us, and your support will ensure that we’ll be able to become a trusted news source for others, too.

So thank you. We hope to see more of you in the world we’re building together. 


Liana DeMasi | LGBTQ+ Editor, OptOut